Good morning fellow leaders, I have a question for you this morning. Do you have your DUCKS in a row? What I am really saying is do you have your LIFE in ORDER? What this means is have you thought about your priorities and do you have them in their proper place in your life. Do you spend more time planning for a two week vacation than you do for your entire life. A lot of people plan their vacations, where we are going to go, where we are going to stay on the trip, what sites are we going to see, what stops are we going to make.

What about our life? Do we put that much thought into our life. Where we are going to live, where do we send our kids to school, what about my job or career. How am I going to spend my time, my money. What am I going to make a priority in and for my life.

Sounds like a lot of CHOICES doesn’t it. But do you know that you were created for this very thing. You can and should prepare your life just like you would prepare a nice long VACATION, By the way have you had your vacation yet this year, BETTER PLAN ON BEFORE THE YEAR IS OVER. Get your DUCKS IN A ROW.

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Jerry Erickson

a desire to share


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